Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Time to catch up. part 1

Finally, I found the cord to my camera. I downloaded pics and hopefully can remember all that went along with them.
Before we moved from Rexburg, Idaho to Lander, Wyoming some of my family came up and we went camping at Warm River campground by Mesa Falls.

There are great places to hiking, biking and run the river. Olivia was not shy and got right into the whole camping experience.
Yes this is my gorgeous little girl. . .she loved the dirt, and practically swam in it.

On an evening walk with Grandpa.

Little swimming outfit thanks to Tia Brooke

Liv loved the water and squishing the juice out of the fallen berries.

It got a little cold on our hike around the falls.
so Liv is wearing Aunt Julie's sweatshirt.

We tucked it in her pants so she wouldn't trip:)

I had to take a pic of the old 1800's dance/hunting lodge. Back in the day the locals would come up and have dances and parties. So very cool!!

Liv just loves bikes. Every time she sees one she yells, "Bike Bike!!!" This nice girl stopped and played with Liv several times while we were camping and let Live "ride" the bike.


Monica said...

I love the Warm River campground! Isn't Island Park the best? Looks like you guys had a great time :)

Dinee said...

Beautiful pictures! We never went camping this year and I missed it so much. Can't wait to see pictures of your house!