Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Friends everywhere

Biking. It is a community of friends. For those that may remember a year ago I decided I needed to bike more. Being a runner is where my heart is but I have really fallen for biking. I love getting places a little faster than when I run. I love the different muscles that I have found. I love watching Liv get so excited to go on a bike ride and wear her helmet just like Mommy.

But I love the friends. No matter how fat you are or if you wear just a cotton t shirt and shorts instead of the usual appropriate bike gear. No matter if it is your first ride or your millionth. No matter if you are old or young there are friends on the road. That is the same with running and even camping, everyone is just a little friendlier when you are doing similar things. I just love the idea that we are all out there doing it. It doesn't matter where we come from because we are out their enjoying the experience.

So here is to all of you that I may pass or who are out on your bikes. I am your friend and we are a community. I am cheering you on!


Bri!!! said...

This is SO TRUE! Our dearest friends throughout our lives have come from cycling. I LOVE it!

Dinee said...

What kind of bike trailer do you have and where did you get it? We are looking for one. We'd like to get our bikes fixed and start riding again this summer.

Amy said...

We have a trek bike trailer. I wish I had a burley but we got ours for cheap and couldn't pass it up. I don't remember where we got it, Trav bought it while I was pregnant. REI garage sales, they had some when we were living in Utah.

Camille said...

I'm not a biker, nor ever will be, but you can pass me when I'm running. :)