Saturday, March 6, 2010


So, my precious Liv is beautiful, smart, funny and just most amazing person I have ever met, next to Travis. But she is almost 2yrs old. I don't believe in labeling people especially children. "Terrible Two's" was something I obviously didn't understand. I know the medical reasons children around the age of two act out a little more than their earlier or later years. I understand the cognitive development and the exercising of free agency at such an early time in our lives.

I was not prepared for my reaction to screaming in public places to get what she wants, her fight for independence and for us to understand her. Or the creative way she just wants to help and participate in our lives. The other day, Liv got into the laundry room, opened the detergent and started, using the scooper, scooping detergent onto each of my presorted dirty clothes piles. What a mess, but her desire to help was there. She was so proud that she was helping mommy, and daddy but it turned into a huge mess. (by the way, I was also not prepared to witness first hand how quickly a toddler can move when they want to)

I really appreciated this article my mom sent me. I need to change my reaction even if my impulse is to "screech".

1 comment:

Bri!!! said...

That was an awesome article, one I needed to hear today. I got really mad at Caleb this morning for ripping pages out of one of his books. I have felt guilty about it all day long. Thanks for posting this. I will choose to be gentle!