I don't know what to say about this past year. . .it has been rough. However we do have good news. Earlier this year Travis busted his back at work which resulted in him loosing his job. We moved back to Lander because we still have our house here. Now that is not the good news.
The good news is that after several doctors visits, nerve tests, MRIs, and physical therapy, Travis' neurosurgeon does not believe that Travis will have to have back surgery! YAY!!!!! He still is not released to go back to work yet and still has more physical therapy and needs to lose a little weight but we think we can avoid back surgery for the time being. This is such good news. Travis can walk and function day to day without being in as much pain as he was before. (he was using a walker for a while)
I am so happy for this huge blessing in our lives. I know God is mindful of us and our trials. I am full of gratitude right now.
That is so brutal! How did he break his back??? So sorry, but what a blessing it would be if he didn't need surgery. I've missed your posts!
I am so sorry that this year has been so difficult for you and your family. You are in my prayers.
Sheri Pendleton
You are such an amazing, strong, and faithful lady and I'm grateful for your testimony through trial. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I have been thinking about you alot and hope and pray all in well! You are amazing! Love you!!!
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