Saturday, March 9, 2013

December 2012

I don't know where the time has gone but it has just flown by. Here we are in March and I haven't posted about our awesome Christmas, Little Man's birthday, Bear Lake (again). So just a quick post on Christmas. It was great. We sledded, spent time with my family, Sis had two teeth pulled, Saw lights and just had a good time.
A few quick pics from Christmas.

Sis with our tree
 Had two teeth pulled. (due to accident when she was a baby)

 Ugly sweater party

 Lil' man fell asleep at ugly sweater party.

 Seeing lights with Bumba

 Sis and I made these chalk board easels for her teachers for Christmas.

Had to include her signature on the back of the easels. She is writing so well!

1 comment:

Dinee said...

The easels are cute! Way to go crafty mama!