Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

For Mother's Day this year I busted a move down to Utah with Devlin for a couple days to make my Mom a gift. We thought it would be fun to decorate under the stairs at my parent's house. They had a door and little window cut out so it could be a play room for grandchildren. However, it just became the place with a bunch of bins full of toys. This is what we could get done in a couple days, with a few more ideas to add to it in the future.

 Liv made this. We glued crayons to a canvas and then used the blow dryer to melt the crayons and the end result was this great piece of art work.

 The 3 grandkids that were able put their handprints on the wall and we framed them. It will be fun to add to the wall as the family grows.

 My brother Tyson and his wife contributed the frame of the benches and baskets. I sewed pillows, stained the benches and Travis and I made a top and cushioned them. For first time bench makers I say, "not too shabby".

 This was a lot of fun. On Disney site I found a tutorial for these rugs made out of t-shirts. 

I made a little curtain for the window and painted the back wall with chalkboard paint and my sister, Dana and I made the frame for it.

It was a fun Mother's Day project for my dear Mom. Hopefully, everyone can enjoy a little play time at Grammy's house!

1 comment:

Cami Jo said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!! LOVE IT! Come spend time under MY stairs!! LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!